About the EMWA Ambassador Programme

Ambassador Program Careers Talks

Since October 2017, EMWA Ambassadors have appeared at career events in Berlin, Bucharest, London, Munich, Rome, Reading, Stuttgart, and Zurich with more to come.

On this page, we will be providing updates on all Ambassador presentations and our impressions of these events.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, or if you have any information on career events in your vicinity, please contact Abe Shevack at aspscientist@gmail.com or EMWA Head Office at info@emwa.org.

Latest update

The EMWA Ambassador Programme is continuing efforts to reach out to new audiences to promote medical writing and EMWA and has supported the following events:

On 16 Oct 2023, Sarah Choudhury and Arunon Sivananthan represented EMWA at the Kings College Career and Employability Event in London held at the Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/events/life-health-science-careers-event-2023

The event was a collaboration with Imperial College and University College, London and was very well attended. Students entered for free, and it was visited by penultimate-year students, finalists, and postgraduates. The event has also attracted a number of first year students eager to explore the options available and build their networks.

We estimated that at least 1000 attendees came and went over a period of 3 hours, highlighting the attraction of a location in central London. Many of the employers, such as Roche, Costello Medical, Vertex, Ranstadt agency, and F-Star Therapeutics, were offering students laboratory-based opportunities and careers in data science.
Students approaching the EMWA stand expressed mainly an interest in internships! Medical Writing as a career is in demand! Sarah and Arunon were also extremely busy answering many questions about training for medical writers and the benefits of joining EMWA. They demonstrated the resources on the EMWA website, including the recent EMWA Careers Guide and provided promotional information and copies of the EMWA Journal Medical Writing (MEW).

Foto: Sarah Choudhury and Arunon Sivananthan representing EMWA at the Kings College Career and Employability Event at the Francis Crick Institute, London, October 2023.

On 15 November 2023, Raquel Billiones, MEW editor-in-chief was invited to give a talk at the West Visayas State University (Philippines) with the title “Bridging Medicine and Communications: How Science and Healthcare Professionals Fill the Gaps through Medical Writing.” The talk was given within the frame of the 2nd Research Café spearheaded by the university’s College of Medicine.

In attendance were 118 students (third year) of medicine and 15 BS chemistry students, as well as 28 faculty members from the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Arts, Sciences, and Communication. The presentation was deemed “enlightening” by many because the majority of the attendees had never heard of the profession “medical writing” before.

Details are available at the university’s official publication, Vital Signs. https://www.facebook.com/vitalsignswvsu

On 24 Nov 2023 Nicole Bezuidenhout, Francesca Cappellini, and Catherine Heddle, represented EMWA at the very well attended Aula Medica Chase Career Conference in Stokholm, Sweden.

The exhibition hall was very busy and the EMWA booth had many visitors, with some even queuing up to talk with Nicole, Francesca, and Catherine. Needless to say, they were swamped answering questions, providing information about our organisation, conferences, and initiatives, and answering questions on how to get into medical writing and the situation of medical writing in Sweden. Very few visitors had heard of EMWA before, and Nicole has reported that people have been reaching out on social media since the conference.

Francesa gave a very well-received presentation on Careers in Medical Writing and the benefits of joining EMWA. In addition to answering questions following her talk, she asked for a show of hands as to how many in the audience had heard of medical writing before the talk, and how many wanted to become medical writers after the talk; several hands were raised about becoming a medical writer.

All in all, EMWA’s participation at the conference was a great success, and we look forward to further opportunities to spread the word about medical writing in Sweden.

On 30 Jan 2024, Katrin Zaragoza Dörr (Freelance MW), and Marta Mas (Executive Director Medical Writing, TFS HealthScience) will hold a presentation on “Career in Medical Writing – Bridges to Industry at the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica/Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) Barcelona, a biomedical research centre. https://www.irbbarcelona.org/en/about-us/what-is-the-irb-barcelona

The event is part of a series organised by the IRB “Bridges to Industry”, a “meet and greet” programme set up by the Innovation Department of the IRB Barcelona. It provides participants the opportunity to meet key professionals in the bio sector and expand and/or consolidate their professional network.

Previous News

The EMWA Ambassador Programme’s is continuing its efforts to reach out to new audiences to promote medical writing and EMWA and has supported the following events:

On 20 Sep 2023 Gökye Ayan, a new member of EMWA, gave a talk to 15 postdocs at the Max Panck Institute for Evolutionary Biology Postdoc Retreat in Plön, Germany. The aim of the meeting was to help postdocs in navigating their career paths. Goyke spoke for 2 hours about her transition into medical writing, the EMWA education programme, conferences, and resources on the EMWA website. She answered questions about the differences between academic and medical writing, the input of medical writers to writing projects, handling of ethical dilemmas, and the impact of AI on medical writing in the future.

On 22 Sept 2023 Abe Shevack gave a short introduction to the Ambassador’s Programme and led a breakout session for participants during the Getting Into Medical Writing online event organized by Evguenia Alechine. This event was well visited online by over 200 participants with speakers from the EC, panels on EMWA offerings and the experiences of networking groups in the UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, and Spain, as well as breakout sessions on different topics.

On 25 Sept 2023 Arunon Sivananthan and Martina Colluci represented EMWA as exhibitors at the NetworkPharma Medcomms Careers Event organised by Peter Llewellyn at the Heathrow Conference Centre. This event was again very well attended with over 500 participants. Arunon and Martina were very busy answering questions about EMWA and the conferences, demonstrating the resources of the EMWA website, as well as discussing questions about careers in medical writing. The conference was a great success and participants both seasoned and aspiring expressed keen interest in how EMWA can bolster their journeys as medical writers.

Foto: Arunon Sivananthan and Martina Colluci representing EMWA at the NetworkPharma Medcomms Careers Event, September 2023.

On 10 Nov 2022, Sarah Choudhury (EMWA Treasurer) along with Ricardo Milho (EMWA Sponsorship Officer) and Arunon Sivananthan (EMWA member) represented EMWA at the NetworkPharma Medcomms Career Event (“Working in and around #MedComms”) that took place at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre in London Heathrow.

The event was very well attended with around 500 participants, including employers from Medcomms and Regulatory Writing agencies, and newcomers with diverse backgrounds interested in starting a career in Medical Writing.Sarah, Ricardo, and Arunon manned an exhibitor table at the event and were extremely busy answering many questions about training for medical writers and the benefits of joining EMWA. They demonstrated the resources on the EMWA website and provided promotional information and copies of the EMWA Journal Medical Writing.Sarah also hosted a discussion panel in the afternoon entitled "Meet the Regulatory Writers", with 3 other writers from Regulatory Writing agencies who shared their career journeys and talked about what it is like to work in regulatory writing. Overall, it was a very successful day and we look forward to further collaboration with Peter Llewellyn and NetworkPharma in the future.

If you are an experienced medical writer and EMWA volunteer and are interested in becoming an EMWA Ambassador, or if you know of any upcoming career events in your locality, please contact Abe Shevack (aspscientist@gmail.com).

On 11 June, Sally Hill gave an introduction to medical writing and EMWA for a group of 18 translators, interpreters, editors and copywriters in Utrecht. These language experts were attending a workshop organized by SENSE, the Society of English-language professionals in the Netherlands. Like EMWA, SENSE has special interest groups (SIGs) and the full-day workshop on medical translation, medical editing, and medical writing was organized by the SENSE Medical SIG. Some attendees were old hands while others were at the early stages of their careers. Several expressed an interest in EMWA, and one medical editor based in Germany has already become an EMWA member!

On 22 Mar 2022, Dr Carola Krause gave a virtual presentation on writing the IMPD to an audience of 30 researchers at the SPARK-BIH Educational Forum in Berlin. Carola was joined by Abe Shevack who gave an introduction to medical writing and EMWA. The presentation was very well received and there was much interest in the topic and some interesting questions.



Speaker Location/Event Date
Abraham Shevack National Congress of Clinical Research (NCCR) - Bucharest, Romania 19 Oct 2017
Tiziana von Bruchhausen Training and career talk - Alfa FCM, Rome, Italy 16 Jan 2018
Alison Rapley Biosciences day event - Reading University, UK 31 Jan 2018
Raquel Billiones Career talk - Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network of ETH - University of Zurich, Switzerland 01 Feb 2018
Abraham Shevack Leibniz-Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP), PhD Winter School - Berlin (Buch), Germany 22 Feb 2018
Alison Rapley Interactive workshop and career talk - University College London, UK 06 Mar 2018
Tiziana von Bruchhausen EMWA presentation - Dr Notghi Academy, Berlin, Germany 09 Mar 2018
Anne McDonough Careers Day - Anglia Ruskin University - Essex, UK 18 Apr 2018
Raquel Billiones Medtech conference - Two presentations on MW and medical devices - Stuttgart, Germany 17-19 Apr 2018
Beatrix Doerr Biozentrum der LMU - Planegg-Martinsried - Munich. Germany 19 Apr 2018
Anne McDonough Professional Careers Beyond Academia conference and fair - University College London, UK 11 Jun 2018
John Carpenter Spoke with participants at MedComms Event/NetworkPharma Ltd - London, UK 27 Jun 2018
Raquel Billiones and Abe Shevack

Bio Network All day workshop /regulatory documents and EMWA, Planegg-Martinsried - Munich, Germany

05 July 2018
John Carpenter MedComms Event - Manchester, UK 13 Sep 2018
Raquel Billiones University of the Philippines Ecological Society - Philippines 24 Sep 2018
Franziska Abreu Max Planck Insititute - Marburg, Germany 25 Oct 2018
Alison Rapley MedComms Educational Event - Stgiles Medical Vestry House, London, UK 18 Dec 2018
John Carpenter NetworkPharm medcomms event, Medical Sciences Teaching Sciences Centre - Oxford, UK 10 Jan 2019
Anne McDonough Employability Conference/Fair to Bioscience students - University of Derby, UK 23 Jan 2019
Abe Shevack Humboldt University in Berlin, Speed dating” style career event organized by the Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative e.V 26 Feb 2019
Alison Rapley University College London Interactive workshop and career talk 5 Mar 2019
Walther Seiler Technical University Berlin, Jobwonder career event 7 May 2019
Abe Shevack Amsterdam, Netherlands - Local MW meeting on Careers in Medical Writing 18 May 2019
John Carpenter London, NetworkPharm medcomms career event 20 June 2019
John Dixon and Abe Shevack Webinar on “Key Steps to Success in Medical Writing” organized by Medic Footprints recorded on YouTube. To see the webinar click here. 9 July 2019
John Carpenter Manchester, NetworkPharm medcomms career event 10 Sept 2019
Tiziana Von Bruchhausen Dr Notghi Academy, Berlin 13 Sept 2019
John Carpenter London Career Fair, University of Birkbeck 28 Sept 2019
Anne McDonough Careers Initiative, University of Essex (Colchester) 18 Oct 2019
Abe Shevack Spoke in Berlin, Germany at local Medical Writers gathering 20 Nov 2019
Abe Shevack Interview with German Scholars Organisation (to view click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_kSPCU0E3U&feature=youtu.be ) 25 Nov 2019
Alison Rapley City, University of London 12 Mar 2020
EMWA Representatives - TBD MediWeek, Birmingham (cancelled) 17-18 Mar 2020
Abe Shevack Parexel Academy, Berlin (cancelled) 21 Apr 2020
Gauri Jawdekar-Abraham German Cancer Research Institute 19 May 2020